The Lost Generation Project

On Sunday, 16th June we welcomed volunteers as we launched our latest project, The Lost Generation. This cemetery memorial clean-up is a significant and respectful project aimed at restoring and honouring the final resting place for this lost generation. One of the most poignant sights in the Cemetery is the section where babies and children are laid to rest. Many of these young lives were tragically lost during the First World War and the Spanish Flu pandemic, a time when infant mortality was tragically common, especially among those living in crowded and substandard housing. Some of the graves are unnamed and have fallen into neglect. However, change is underway.

 We are calling for volunteers to join our team in the next workshop on 18th August. Various jobs will be available on the day and all training will be provided.  Click here for more information:

“Thank you so much to you and the wonderful team at Willesden Jewish Cemetery for making us feel so welcome yesterday. I had a brilliant experience! It was such a privilege to restore the graves of the many cherished babies and young children, who had so much to offer but passed away so young. The inscriptions on the stones were heart-rending. Clearing, cleaning and restoring the children’s section gave me – and I’m sure all the volunteers (what a lovely bunch of people!) – a true sense of having achieved something worthwhile. And at last, the little ones in unmarked graves have their own memorial stones. It is a special place of tranquillity. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to take part in such an uplifting project.” - Susan

“Thank you for allowing me to be involved in this wonderful programme. It is an extremely selfless act – one that gives so much, as well as the giver gaining even more.” - Arlene

Photos by Stan Kaye

Vicky Proctor